Getting insulation into existing walls isn’t as tricky as it sounds. It makes an enormous difference to the thermal and acoustic performance of the home making it more comfortable all year round.

With the right products and machinery, existing brick veneer and double brick walls can be insulated without having to tear the wall apart.

There are two ways that an existing wall can have cavity wall insulation installed and most homes need a combination of both techniques. The first installation technique involves pumping insulation from up on the roof, down into the wall cavity by lifting up the roof tiles that sit directly above the wall.

Where a cavity is blocked from above and also under windows, insulation is installed by drilling and filling. To drill and fill, small holes are drilled into the mortar joint of the brickwork and a nozzle is placed into the wall to blow in the insulation. Once the cavity is filled, the holes are patched with mortar to match as closely as possible to the existing.